2012, Number 1
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Otorrinolaringología 2012; 57 (1)
Importancia de la cicatrización de una antrostomía inferior practicada en una intervención endoscópica
López LE, López DE, Astor FC, Robles MB, Saavedra MJL, Troyo SR, Jiménez HÉG
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 12-16
PDF size: 129.25 Kb.
Background: Lower antrostomy in surgery of the maxillary sinus used to be a common choice in the procedure known as Caldwell-Luc.
Objective: To describe the scar healing process in lower antrostomy performed in endoscopic surgery.
Material and method: Descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study. 15 Otolaryngology Unit patients were under observation. Independent variable: patients with a background of endoscopic surgery of the maxillary sinus that were subject to lower antrostomy of less than a centimeter and had a postoperative period longer than 28 days. Dependent variable: postoperative development of the size of the fenestration after 28 days. Intervening variables: age, gender, histopathological diagnosis and postoperative features of the size of the fenestration after 28 days. A chi-square test was used in the statistical analysis (=47.111, p‹0.001)
Results: The most frequent pathology was sinusitis and the most often found postoperative bone fenestration size was 5 mm in 53.3% of cases. That is to say, bone fenestration lowered 50% and the healing process closed totally the mucosa membrane in 100% of cases.
Conclusions: In the fenestration performed during the lower antrostomy, the mucosa membrane heals in all cases after 28 days and the bone fenestration closes in 50% of cases and so we can state that this is a useful choice in endoscopic surgery of the maxillary sinus.
Han JK, Smith TL, Loehrl TA, Fong KJ, Hwang PH. Surgical revision of the post-Caldwell-Luc maxillary sinus. Am J Rhinol 2005;19(5):478-482.
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