2012, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2012; 11 (1)
Sudden cardiac death. Behaviorin the Arroyo Naranjo communities in Havana City during the period 2000-2004
Luis Ochoa MA, González LM, Tamayo VND, Romero DJM, Vilches IE, Miguélez NR, Fernández-Britto RJE
Language: Spanish
References: 38
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Scientific Problem: How has the Sudden Cardiac Death behaved on the Clinical-Pathological bases in Arroyo Naranjo communities, in Havana City during the period 2000-2004?
Objective: To describe the Sudden Cardiac Death behavior in the Arroyo Naranjo communities, in Havana City during the period 2000-2004.
Material and method: An epidemiologic study was carried out in a population of 210000 inhabitant in the health areas of the Arroyo Naranjo municipality (Julián Grimau, Eléctrico, Párraga, Mantilla, Capri, Los Pinos y Managua), followed for 5 years. The Cuban Group for the Sudden Cardiac Death Study (GEMSC), The Research and Reference Center for Aterosclerosis from Havana (CIRAH) and the Medical Sciences Faculty "Julio Trigo López" took part. The SUCADES I study (SUdden CArdiac DEath Study) included 5098 dead of natural causes, to which the criteria of Sudden Cardiac Death (MSC) from the World Health Organization (OMS) were applied.
Results:The 9.3 % of the deaths studied happened in a sudden way. The 50.6 % of the events occurred in the male sex, in ages between 60-74 years old. Párraga was the most affected area (23.4 %).The victim's house was the place where the 35.0% of the events happened. The acute myocardial infarct (AMI) was corroborated in the 58.4 %.
Conclusions: Sudden Cardiac Death was predominant in the male sex, in the group between 60-74 years old, in Párraga's health area, most frequently documented in the extra hospital media (victim's house). The acute myocardial Infarct, the cardiac rhythm troubles and the left ventricular myocardial dysfunction constituted the main definitive diagnosis.
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