2012, Number 2
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2012; 11 (2)
Aids epidemic and its behavior at the municipality of Old Havana periods 1997-2002 and 2003-2008
Acosta AM, Morales GA, Gutiérrez PMA, Piñera DA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Introduction:There was carried out a study about the behavior of the VIHS/AIDS at the municipality of Old Havana.
Objective: describing the evolution of the VIH/AIDS according with some biological and social varieties during the periods of 1997 - 2002 y 2003 _ 2008.
Materials and Methods: The universe and sample was represented by all the diagnosed cases as HIV positive persons in those periods. In the first period there were diagnosed 118 cases and in the second one 219 cases.
Results: We observed that in the period of study there were notified a total of 337 cases, with a progressive increase of the rate and with an increasing tendency of such. The ages that showed greater per cents were the ones of 20 _ 34 y 40 _ 49. The preponderance was in the male sex and among them the men who have sex with men (MSM). The greater percent of the studied cases were single and the education degrees were secondary school and high school.
Conclusions: The AIDS epidemic at the municipality shows a growing speed in the epidemic duplicating the number of cases in the second study period. The major percent of the infested patients are found in the young men and adults medium age ones. The mortality decreases in the second period of study with the increase with the use antiretroviral drugs.
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