2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2012; 41 (1)
Correlation of TRISS with alterations of opsonocytophagic index of injured patients
Rodríguez ND, Rodríguez AM, Alfonso ALE, Quintana RM, Catellanos PE, Garcés SY
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 48-57
PDF size: 170.89 Kb.
Introduction: the injured patient under stress due to multiple causes (physical, emotional and surgical), has from very early stages, significant alterations in the immune response.
Objective: to assess the "trauma injury severity score" (TRISS) predictive index haw indicating of phagocytic ability status of the neutrophiles poly-morphonuclear leucocytes.
Methods: an analytical and prospective study was conducted in 55 injured patients admitted in the "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" Central Military Hospital from 2005 to 2008. Immunological tests were applied where the more important ones were the immunological variables, the TRISS-survival probability, complications and status at discharge. Different statistic methods were used.
Results: there was predominance of infectious complications. In the deceased ones, the immunity depletion was the more significant. Insofar as the survival decreased, according TRISS, the opsonocytophagic index was affected. The immunological alterations were more intensive in deceased ones and in those with poor diagnosis. The great immunity affections occurred over the first week.
Conclusions: TRISS has a predictive role in the prognostic index for these alterations.
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