2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2012; 41 (1)
Alterations of the C reactive protein in injured and its correlation with the TRISS index
Rodríguez ND, Rodríguez AM, Alfonso ALE, Quintana RM, Catellanos PE, Garcés SY
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 38-47
PDF size: 159.95 Kb.
Introduction: the trauma provokes immunity which if are not corrected, leads to complications and death.
Objective: to assess the "trauma injury severity score" predictive index (TRISS) as a predictor of status of the reactive C protein and as part of the immune response to trauma.
Methods: an analytical and prospective study was conducted in 55 injured, admitted in the "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" Central Military Hospital between 2005 and 2008. Immunologic tests were made. Immunological variables, the survival-TRISS probability, complications and the status at discharge were the more important.
Results: insofar as the survival probability decreases according TRISS, the serum values of the reactive C protein increased. Immunological alterations were more intensive in the deceased ones and in those with a poor prognosis. The great immunity alterations occurred over the first week.
Conclusions: the immunity alterations and within them, those related to acute phase protein, the reactive C protein increase insofar as the survival probability decrease confirming the predictor value of TRISS in the integral assessment of injured patients.
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