2011, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2011; 30 (4)
New conceptual and mathematical forms for the contour of volume wave of arterial pulse
Pascau SA, Fernández-Britto RJE, Allen J
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 487-500
PDF size: 490.94 Kb.
Introduction: The analysis of volume wave contour of arterial pulse has been useful for non-invasive diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, but the pathophysiological origins contributing to this contour are not totally explained. The objective of present paper was to find the coincidence level of a new simple conceptual form, based on the hemodynamic strengths regarding a new mathematical form applied to different classes of volume waves of arterial pulse in toe fingers.
Methods: The proposal of conceptual form was based on that this contour is the addition of pairs of action hemodynamic strengths gradients from the heart, aorta and the peripheral arterial zone and of the reactions coming from study musculoelastic arterial wall. The mathematical form was designed as a non-lineal programming problem to find the six numeral unknown quantities of each pair of gradients, under non-lineal restriction based on its temporary relations. The contours from toe fingers were registered in patients with four potential classes of volume wave known contours of arterial pulse. The fitting quality of 4 403 experimental above mentioned contours was analyzed versus the arterial pulse volume resulting from mathematical form of 123 registries of 14 patients (7 women).
Results: There was predominance of III class, the I and II ones were frequent in patients with less cardiovascular risk and the IV class in those of great risk. The 64 % of the wave volume of arterial pulse had a quality fitting> 95 % and the 36 % had the presence of oscillating waves from skeletal muscle.
Conclusions: The coincidence of both forms is accepted to characterize in a morphologic way the contour of any class of wave volume of arterial pulse.
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