2011, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2011; 30 (1)
Computational models of bone differentiation and adaptation
Narváez-Tovar CA, Velasco-Peña MA, Garzón-Alvarado DA
Language: Spanish
References: 71
Page: 126-140
PDF size: 77.04 Kb.
Authors review the available computational models of bone differentiation and
adaptation, emphasizing on the development achieved in this area during pas
years. The bone tissue study has increased in past decades due to rebirth of
mechanobiology, whose main paradigm is the influence of mechanical loads on the
tissues development, adaptation and maintenance. The major objective of present
paper is to emphasize la significance of computational mechanobiology in the bone tissue modeling and the need to keep on developing the experimental
mechanobiology to measure accurately the tissues properties and the more sensible
cellular features of computational models.
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