2010, Number 1
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Enfermería Universitaria 2010; 7 (1)
Why Study the burnout syndrome in nursing personnel in Mexico? Critical methodologies for developing a line of investigation
Fernández GV, Zarate GRA, Lartigue BT
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 23-35
PDF size: 288.34 Kb.
Introduction: Several international studies try to determine the contribution of laboral stress to the nursing shortage and its impact in the patient’s quality. In Mexico, there is little information about the magnitude of laboral stress in nurses and the diversity of methodologies, and criteria used for assessment sets a dificulty in comparing different national contexts. At the beginning of National publications,in This paper are discussed conceptual matters and methodologies to get closse to the SB study, with the purpose of defining a line of investigation that corresponds to reality of profesional practice in our country.
Development: The concept of laboral stress, the instrument and critical aspects for determining prevalence, theories and models developed in the SB study, as well as different levels of analysis and relationsships for study within the organizational model are reviewed.
Conclusions: It is necessary to develop lines of investigation using an instrument that allows comparison and clearly establishes theroretical underlying basis in the analysis of SB relationships with different variables. Likewise, information is required about hospital organizational characteristics and health units in which the reported prevalences are reported, as well as related coeficients patient/nurse, and preferably to include a variable of the result in the patient and the nurse’s health or that of the organization. In this way it would be posible to know the SB prevalence, the associated factors to its origin, its effects and posible solutions.
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