2012, Number 1
Prevalence of recent dengue infection in San Mateo, Anzoategui, Venezuela, 2007-2008
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Background: dengue is an infection with different clinical ways of presentation and of a great significance at world scale.Objective: to characterize the prevalence of the recent infection due to dengue in San Mateo town.
Methods: universe included 15 000 inhabitants represented by a sample of 535 who were selected by a simple randomized method. A clinical and seroepidemiologic survey was applied. For prevalence estimation authors used the rate by 100 inhabitants.
Results: the prevalence found was of 14.95 % (95 % CI: 12.1-18.3) involving all age groups and genders. Some cases with a typical clinical picture had an IgM negative.
Conclusion:"San Mateo" town is an area of dengue transmission.
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