2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2012; 28 (1)
Cell therapy in femur fractures
González-González JA, Gámez-Pérez A, Rodríguez-Orta C, Cruz-Sánchez P, López-González E, González-Cordero F, Pérez-Lara I, Pérez-Mesa D, Ricardo-Sosa O, Cabrera-Fernández Y
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Regenerative medicine has opened another opportunity for effective consolidation and rapid recovery of patients with traumatic injuries. We present a 46 year- old white male patient with a history of traffic accident. A middle third left femur fracture was diagnosed and plain radiographs showed IV grade comminution. He was released after 20 days of hospitalization with persistent pain despite of pain medication every 4-6 hours. Cell therapy was prescribed and it was performed on outpatient basis. After 48 hours the improvement was increased progressively, stability was achieved and pain disappeared in the fracture site, this was a symptom present since the accident. 8 weeks after cell therapy, radiological improvement was observed. In general, his eveolution was considered satisfactory for the fast recovery and its incorporation into social life. This is the first patient in Artemisa province who underwent this new type of therapy and as far as we know at the time of this writing, it is also the first reported in the scientific literature in Cuba.
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