2004, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2004; 12 (3)
Sociocultural factors in women who do not attend early for citologic test for cancer
Farfán-Muñoz LC, Barrón-Treviño E, Jiménez-Domínguez ME, Vázquez-Morán E, Ayala-Atrián SS
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 123-130
PDF size: 115.22 Kb.
Introduction: Cervical cancer takes up the second place as a malign neoplasia in the world. In Mexico, the first place on mortality. This chronic degenerative illness constitutes an important problem of health.
Objective: To determine the current socio-cultural factors for which women from 25 to 65 years old within the area of responsibility from the Family Medicine Unit branch 28 (FMU #28), do not assist to be carried out the early detection of the cervical cancer.
Methodology: Transversal survey with a sample of 105 women from 25 to 65 years old with residence in the areas of responsibility of FMU #28. 31 items previously validated were surveyed and the results were analyzed with descriptive statistics.
Results: Obtained an average of age of 41 years, 26 women of the surveyed never have been carried out the test of the pap smear and the 58% of them they are from among 25 and 29 years of age. Among the factors found, It was identified that 70% of women feels embarrassment and 63% said feels anxiety. Regarding to receiving information about the screening, 43% referred yes and 42% said they received from nursing staff.
Discussion: Having a professional background is not a factor to making the screening test as it is supposed to, as well as women younger than 34 years old who do not do the Pap smear. The socio-economic aspect was not considered as a barrier to do it, but also the psychological and acknowledgment aspects were the main barriers on women who do not go for the early citologic test for cancer.
Conclusions: The socio-economical aspect was not considered as a barrier for completing of the detection test; however the psychological and acknowledgement aspects are the main barriers on women who do not go for the early detection of cervical cancer.
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