2012, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2012; 54 (2)
Antibiotic knowledge and self-care for acute respiratory tract infections in Mexico
Gonzales R, López-Caudana AE, González-Flores T, Jayanthan J, Corbett KK, Reyes-Morales H
Language: English
References: 32
Page: 152-157
PDF size: 99.70 Kb.
Objective. To examine knowledge of and self-treatment with antibiotics among medically-insured adults in Mexico.
Materials and methods. We conducted a cross-sectional, interviewer-administered survey among 101 adult patients seeking care for acute respiratory tract infections in a family medicine clinic in Mexico. Knowledge scores were calculated as a composite of correct, incorrect and don’t know responses. Factors associated with antibiotic knowledge and antibiotic self-treatment were explored with bivariate analyses.
Results. 47% of participants were taking antibiotics prior to the visit, 20% were self-treating. Antibiotic knowledge was highly variable. Many participants believed common nonantibiotic treatments for colds and coughs were antibiotics, such as ambroxol (45%),
Desenfriol (45%) and paracetamol (44%). Older participants (‹40 years) had better knowledge scores.
Discussion. Self-treatment with and misperceptions about antibiotics are common among medically insured adults seeking medical attention in Mexico.
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