2011, Number 3
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2011; 68 (3)
New embryological hypothesis, genetics and epidemiology of gastroschisis
López VJA, Castro CDM, Venegas VCA
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 245-252
PDF size: 378.94 Kb.
Gastroschisis is defined as an abdominal wall malformation characterized by visceral herniation with an intact umbilical cord and absence
of membrane. At present, six theories to explain the embryogenesis of this entity have been proposed. Although its etiology remains unknown,
it is recognized with a multifactorial inheritance pattern. Recently, an increase of cases worldwide has been observed, particularly in
Mexico. For that reason, some authors suggest this entity is pandemic. We performed an updated review of the abdominal wall embryology,
theories, epidemiology and genetic-environmental risk factors involved in the development of gastroschisis.
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