2008, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2008; 46 (4)
Chronic Apendicitis. A Case Report
Montiel-Jarquín ÁJ, Gómez-Conde E, Reyes-Páramo P, Romero-Briones C, Mendoza-García AV, García-Ramírez UN
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 431-434
PDF size: 142.60 Kb.
Background: The term chronic appendicitis has been used to describe any type of chronic pain that originates in the appendix, with or without inflammation. This broad category can be divided more specifically into: chronic or recurrent appendicitis and appendiceal colic pain.
Clinical case: a 41-year-old female, suffering intestinal chronic constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, hiporexia and febricula, treated with antibiotics, vermifuges, analgesics and antispasmodics, showing a slight and partial improvement. She was suffering chronic pain in lower abdomen, mostly on the right side along a year. With these symptoms, she underwent an exploratory laparotomy, that showed chronic appendicitis. Appendix had been removed. The histopathological report corresponded to chronic appendicitis.
Conclusions: the histopathological characteristics and the clinical manifestations of the chronic appendicitis are different from those of acute appendicitis. Criteria for chronic appendicitis include: symptoms lasting longer than 4 weeks, confirmation of chronic swelling through histopathological examination, improvement of symptoms after appendectomy. The ultrasonic images, the barium enema and the computerized helicoidal tomography could be suggestive for its diagnosis.
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