2011, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2011; 27 (2)
Design of a psycho-educational program for the care of genital herpes simplex
Hernández CA, López RM, Caballero ME
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 171-177
PDF size: 41.54 Kb.
Introduction: In Cuba a high incidence and prevalence of genital herpes simplex is reported. However, nurses and pollters have not available a methodological means for the care of these patients in Primary Health Care.
Objectives: Thus, authors conducted an study that is in keeping with to a project of development to design a psycho-educational program to decrease the risk in sexual health and the psychosocial problems of patients clinically diagnosed with genital herpes simplex.
Methods: For design of above mentioned program the three stages of the Giordan form were used. In this sense, a phenomenology study was conducted in 8 patients diagnosed with genital herpes simplex, to determine the needs of learning submitting
to expert's criteria to establish the objectives, methods and contents of psychoeducational program.
Results: The program included six sessions aimed to decrease the psychosocial problems, to increase the self-effectiveness in the use of condom, the knowledge on disease, a safe intercourse and the efficiency to communicate the
Conclusions: A psycho-educational program was designed incorporating five
key features (psychological problems, knowledges on disease, use of condom, safe
intercourse and developing of disease).
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