2011, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2011; 27 (2)
Conceptions and perceptions on health, quality of life and physical activity in an academic health unit
Hernández SJ, Forero BCM
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 159-170
PDF size: 159.41 Kb.
Introduction: Behaviors related to health are measured between other features by
the subject's conceptions and perceptions.
Objective: To identify the conceptions and perceptions related with health, the quality
of life, human body movement (HBM), physical activity (FA) and its determinant
factors in the academic community of the Health Faculty- Industry University of
Methods: A qualitative study was conducted including focal groups and
semi-structural interviews with the participations of students of all levels and
professors of the Faculty and its selection was by suitability. Data analysis was made
during research, using the Ethnograph v5.08 Program with a pre-categorization and
categorization from three axes: to feel, to be and to want to be; interpretation was by
means of theoretical triangulation.
Results: The systematization allows location of
two key categories: first, leads to a speech where practice is not consolidated. The
second one, account for expectations of an integral training, where it is necessary a
contextualization of AF, consolidated in a interdisciplinary proposal allowing the
conceptualization and integration of an active lifestyle.
Conclusions: It was
established that the conceptions and perceptions are related to a learning achieved in
academy and/or as part of the experiences of participants, who are conscious of the
significance of the AF for health, to recognizing a lack of actions, product of personal
and institutional factors; but at the same time are pro-positives.
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