2012, Number 02
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2012; 80 (02)
Placenta accreta: a surgical alternative that can save lives
Bautista-Gómez E, Morales-García V, Hernández-Cuevas J, Calvo-Aguilar O, Flores-Romero AL
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 79-83
PDF size: 407.55 Kb.
The placenta accreta is the second leading cause of obstetric hemorrhage, which often require the implementation of emergency obstetric hysterectomy increased morbidity and mortality. We present a surgical alternative to hysterectomy obstetric allowed us to reduce to zero until our rate of maternal deaths from obstetric hemorrhage. Improving surgical times, associated morbidity, without altering perinatal outcomes.
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