2008, Number 4
Enf Infec Microbiol 2008; 28 (4)
Abscedated tuberculoma in a two-yearold child with lymph node tuberculosis
Caballero TA, Gil VM, Sánchez RG, Flores REM
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 152-154
PDF size: 167.88 Kb.
The manifestations of tuberculosis in the CNS are tubercular meningitis and tuberculoma. Tuberculoma is an isolated tumor resulting from an inflammatory process due to M. tuberculosis. We present the case of a two-year-old boy with lymph node tuberculosis receiving antituberculosis treatment for 11 months without complications. During the followings six months, the patient showed left hemiparesia and headache. Magnetic resonance showed an isolated tumor in the cerebellum area.Estereotaxic biopsy showed 15 ml of white liquid, and the culture showed Streptococcus intermedius and non identified anaerobes; the histopathologic study reported abundant neutrophils with numerous colonies of Gram positive coccobacillus.
Treatment included antifimic and antibiotic drugs.