2012, Number 02
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MediSan 2012; 16 (02)
Post-surgical infections in laparotomy patients
Fabars PLL, García CA, Navarro RM, Busquet BK, Guzmán PN
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 189-195
PDF size: 153.49 Kb.
A descriptive and prospective study was carried out during the 2010, in the Intensive
Care Unit from "Dr. Joaquin Castillo Duany" Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital in
Santiago de Cuba, in order to analyze the main characteristics of post-surgical
infections in laparotomy patients. The X2 test was used, with p> 0,05 as no significant
and p <0,05 as significant. Male sex (60,4%), the group of 60 years and over
(25,8%), the infection of the surgical wound as the most frequent complication in men
(26,6%) prevailed in the case material, as well as the pressure ulcers in women in the
emergency surgeries, and bacterial bronchopneumonia in the elective surgeries. The
increase of the reinterventions number was closely related to the mortality attributable
to postoperative infections.
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