2011, Number 2
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Arch Neurocien 2011; 16 (2)
Neurological disorders and music
Buentello-García RM, Senties-Madrid H, San Juan-Orta D, Alonso-Vanegas MA
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 98-103
PDF size: 103.83 Kb.
Music involves multiple cognitive areas, musical data is processed by professional musician´s preferable in the left hemisphere, whereas general subjects without musical skills with their right hemisphere. Some neurological disorders diminish or increase the musical abilities, or in some rare cases like in musicogenic epilepsy, music can triggers or induce the epileptic fits or events. The first data involving music and neurology is from professional musicians whom presented or debuted with neurological disorders and, developed alterations in their musical abilities; these first studies awaken the neuroscientific community interest in cognitive areas of music, actually some neurologic-musical disorders had been described like amusic disorder, musicogenic epilepsy, musical
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