2011, Number 2
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Arch Neurocien 2011; 16 (2)
IQ in not treated patientes with cerebellar tumors
Arreguín-González IJ, Ayala-Guerrero F, Fernández-Ruiz J, Cruz-Fuentes CS, Gutiérrez-Cabrera JJ, Hernández-Gutiérrez LS, Mendizábal GR
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 51-57
PDF size: 115.43 Kb.
Objective: It has been described that not treated patients with cerebellar tumors have a detriment in their Intellectual Quotient (IQ). However, it is not clear wheter these tumors are the real responsable for this condition in a direct form or may be caused by surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The study included 11 not treated adult patients diagnosed with cerebellar tumors, to clarify whether the location may cause the intelectual deficit that is seen in these patients.
Methods: We used data available from 11 adult patients diagnosed with cerebellar tumors, (23-58 years old) that had not received treatment (surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy). Only 8 patients were placed a ventricularperitoneal shunt, with no other treatment. We used the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III) to evaluate their effectiveness in detecting neurocognitive dysfunction and measuring their IQ. Differences between right and left hemisphere were done.
Results: there was a statistically significant negative correlation between the tumor location and IQ. The tumor was localized in 5 patients in the right cerebellar hemisphere, and 6 patients in the left cerebellar hemisphere). There was no difference between those patients with ventricularperitoneal shunt either ( 8 patients). 18% of the patients were diagnosed with an average level of intellectual functioning, 9% had a low level and 72.7% of the patients were diagnosed with an extremelly low level. 63% of these were diagnosed in the lowest grade of the scale. The most affected Indexes were Perceptual Organization and Processing Speed, and the least affected were Verbal Comprehension and Working Memory.
Conclusions: there is evidence for a role of the human cerebellum in cognitive functions and the presence of a tumor in this location may cause substantially lower mean IQ in these patients. According to literature, the use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. may worsen the cognitive functions, but may or may not affect IQ.
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