2011, Number 3
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Arch Neurocien 2011; 16 (3)
Neurotoxic effects of heavy metals cadmium, lead arsenic and thallium
Nava-Ruíz C, Méndez-Armenta M
Language: Spanish
References: 77
Page: 140-147
PDF size: 106.80 Kb.
In spite of the efforts and of the scientific advances the human exposure to toxic metals continuous to occur, these mainly constitute a risk for the public health in developing countries. The lead, cadmium and thallium are metals are ubiquitous air and water pollutants and are associates with multiple adverse health effects. The main affected target organs by metals are kidney, lung, liver, gastrointestinal and haematological systems, but mainly the peripheral and central nervous systems. The severity of damage depends on the time and levels exposure, the rate of absorption, individual susceptibility and the route by which the metal is absorbed. A variety of mechanisms have been attributed to heavy metal-induced toxicity and they have often been related with the generation of reactive oxygen species and depletion of antioxidant defense enzymes, producing an increase on cellular oxidative stress. This review it tries to establish some of the possible cellular mechanism by means of which the heavy metals are able to induce neurotoxicity.
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