2011, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2011; 13 (3)
Most common errors of the Clinical Chemistry section of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory
Escobar CE, Rodríguez SIP
Language: Spanish
References: 45
PDF size: 1005.27 Kb.
Background: To minimize errors in the clinical pathology laboratory is a fundamental requisite of daily work due to its high influence on morbidity and mortality.
Objective: Contributing to update on the errors in the Clinical Chemistry Section, and reflect on possible guidelines for this job.
Development: A presentation is made of errors corresponding to stages of work in the clinical pathology laboratory: preanalytical, analytical and posanalytical, regardless of the level of care and equipment available for the Clinical Chemistry section.
Conclusions: The prevention of errors on the basis of control mechanisms should be an important part of daily work in the pathology laboratory which will result in a better management of the patient's health. Keywords: Errors, clinical chemistry, clinical chemistry, clinical laboratory, preanalytical, analytical, posanalítica.
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