2012, Number 1
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2012; 55 (1)
Initiative to increase organ and tissue donation in Mexico
Querevalú-Murillo W, Orozco-Guzmán R, Díaz-Tostado S, Herrera-Morales KY, López-Teliz T, Martínez-Esparza AC, Torres-Barragán PA, Miranda-Coutolenc S
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 12-17
PDF size: 242.47 Kb.
The Organ and Tissue Donation Program must be strengthened to increase the number of cadaveric donors, which will raise the number of transplantations and, therefore, decrease the national recipient waiting list. There are many reasons for the low rates of donation in Mexicol, and the factors that must be modified are also abundant, being the most prominent the lack of family authorization. The Coordination for Organ and Tissues Donation and Transplantation recommends some points to be developed and refined in every hospital, as well as the making of short- medium- and longterm projects to achieve the objective.
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