2005, Number 1
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2005; 10 (1)
Prevalencia de Episodio Depresivo en los Médicos Residentes del Hospital Juárez de México
Rosales JJE, Gallardo CR, Conde MJM
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 25-36
PDF size: 199.91 Kb.
Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, its prevalence is of 3% in males and 4-9% in females. Risk factors are: female sex, a previous episode, and family records of depression, stress, obsessive and passive character. In health professionals it is more common in singles and subjected to stress, it associates with substance abuse, it is the most frequent psychiatric disorder and the most common cause of death is suicide.
Objective. To know the prevalence of depression syndrome in a medical population.-
Material and Methods. It was a cross-sectional and observational study. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), was applied to the residents of the hospital, we also interrogated age, gender, marital status, birth place, religion, cohabitation, specialty, assigned service, type of oncall shifts, where they did the on-call shifts and familial records of depression.
Results. from the residents of the hospital, 162 solved the survey satisfactorily; 26 were with depression (prevalence of 16%), of these 23 with slight depression (14%) and 3 with mild (1.8%), being more vulnerable the married ones, those in their first year of residence, those who where on-call in the intensive care department, the atheists and those with family records of depression. They manifested: dissatisfaction and guilty 88.4%, indecision 88.7%, insomnia and fatigability 73% and retard labor 79.2%.
Conclusions. The depress syndrome has a high prevalence in residents and they manifest it in with negative attitudes toward themselves and deteriorate of there performance.
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