2008, Number 585
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2008; 65 (585)
Meningioma del tubérculo selar
Avila SD, Ruiz BE
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 297-301
PDF size: 257.95 Kb.
The meningiomas of the tuberculum sellae are intracraneal neoplasias that can manifest as headaches, a common symptom in general practise. Thus, is of primary importance, the expertise of the clinic to recognise the symptoms and signs suspicious of organic lesion, (i.e. visual disturbances), in order to refer the patient to a superior medical level early in the evolution of the disease. In this article, the clinical history, the diagnostic analyses and surgical outcome of a patient with this meningioma are described. Emphasis is made on the clinical findings that must alert on the need of neuroimages to further study an estructural alteration of the brain, where surgery is necessary to combat the symptoms, specially the visual disturbances.
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