2011, Number 2
A longitudinal study of the characteristics and completion efficiency of graduates of the Nursing Specialization Unique Plan
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 71-80
PDF size: 94.83 Kb.
Introduction: the process of post-graduation formation requires followup studies to provide data on student characteristics on enrollment, duration, academic trajectory, and graduation, so that this knowledge can contribute to continuous overall improvement.Objective: to identify the characteristics of enrollment, academic trajectory, and completion efficiency characteristics in three generational cohorts of students who joined the Nursing Specialization Unique Plan (NSUP) during the 2006, 2007 and 2008 academic cycles.
Methodology: descriptive, observational, longitudinal study of three generations of students from the NSUP. The quantitative-phase results included general data, employment status, academic background at the bachelor's and the pos-graduation level, academic trajectory, and completion efficiency. Data on these last two areas were obtained from the NSPU files. The SPSS was used to obtain Student's t-test, χ2 and ANOVA statistical significance.
Results: most students were single women. The most in-demand specialties were adult critical care, pediatrics, perinatal, and cardiovascular; 76 % of the students are working since their enrollment in the NPSU.
Discussion: congruency between these results and those of other studies of academic preparation for higher levels in the public sector was found.
Conclusions: better grade point average and greater completion efficiency are related to having work-related scholarships.
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