2011, Number 3
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Pediatr Mex 2011; 13 (3)
Performance of physical condition related to health as a function of the nutritional index in middle-height children
Cossio-Bolaños MA, Eduardo-Espanhol J, Merma MC, Arruda M
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 96-102
PDF size: 60.44 Kb.
Introduction: Several studies have shown that young people who have low fitness and high levels of overweight and obesity show increased metabolic disease risk.
Objective: a) Determine the prevalence of nutritional status and b) assess the performance of fitness-related health in terms of nutritional status in children with moderate altitude.
Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study in 795 children aged 6 to 11 years, which were selected at stratified 401 children and 394 children out of school 5,627. Children were classified according to the nutritional index, determining the categories of underweight, eutrophic, overweight and obesity.
Results: The prevalence of nutritional index was: Overweight: 27.2% in girls and 21.3% in children; obese: 14.5% in girls and 6.1% in children; healthy children: 48.9% in girls and 57.9%, and thinness in children: 9.5% in girls and 14.7% in children. Regarding the comparison of physical evidence in terms of nutritional index observed differences in aerobic capacity between eutrophic and obese children in both genders. There were no differences in abdominal muscle strength and flexibility in all four categories nutritional.
Conclusion: High values were determined prevalence of overweight in school children of both genders. The children of both genders who were classified as obese have low aerobic capacity values expressed in meters walked. It is necessary for campaigns to promote the practice of physical activity in urban schools.
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