2011, Number 597
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2011; 68 (597)
Análisis retrospectivo de las lesiones de vías biliares post-colecistectomía, manejadas en el Hospital San Juan de Dios, durante el periodo 2000-2008
Zúñiga PA, Ayi WJA
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 213-221
PDF size: 521.72 Kb.
Biliar tract injuries are an uncommon surgical complication. These injuries can occur after surgical procedures that involve the biliar tract, and are more frequent after a cholecystectomy. The Worldwide casuistic is few because the incidence of biliar tract injuries is low. The purpose of this article is to have objective information of what is happening in the Hospital San Juan de Dios., know the real incidence, find out if it change with the incorporation of laparoscopic surgery, and understand the evolution of our patients and identify which actions can help us diminishing incidence of this injuries.
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