2011, Number 2
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Pediatr Mex 2011; 13 (2)
Prevalence of fetal malnutrition in term newborns
Ortiz CMA, Quiroz PLM, Leija RJE, González MÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 65-70
PDF size: 302.57 Kb.
Introduction: Fetal malnutrition is a worldwide problem, with a calculated prevalence of 10.9% in neonatal populations belonging to developed countries, while that of underdeveloped countries could fluctuate from 35% to 40%.
Objective: The objective of this study consisted of the clinical assessment of the nutritional status of term newborns receiving their attention in a second level health institution representative of the community.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed which included 460 term newborns at the Hospital Universitario of Saltillo. The variables utilized were neonatal somatometry, gestational age according to the Capurro method, the application of the Brenner nomogram, and the CANSCORE evaluation. Data were analyzed through the STATISTICA 8.0 package.
Results: The number of malnourished newborn accounted for a total of 133, for a global prevalence (SGA, AGA, LGA neonates) of 28.9% (CI 95% = 24.9%-33.2%), while the adjusted prevalence (AGA, SGA neonates) amounted to 35.1% (CI 95% = 30.5%-40.1%). 70% of the AGA neonates were found well-nourished, while the remaining 30% were malnourished. Among the SGA neonates, 79.4% were malnourished, while the remaining 20.6% were well-nourished.
Conclusions: The prevalence of fetal malnutrition in our study does not differ significatively from that reported in other regions of Latin America, where social and economic conditions are similar to those of our region.
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