2009, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2009; 20 (4)
Is it possible to manage the knowledge without affecting the personal affective component?
Núñez PIA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 55-66
PDF size: 122.74 Kb.
The dialectics of the cognitive-affective relation in the personality is studied, as well as in the group and organizational culture. Even though the theoretical models suggesting its management and the praxis they have demonstrated that it is impossible to obviate it, a lack of treatment in the strategies of the knowledge management, of the organizational learning and of the human capital can be observed. The necessity of train knowledge managers can be stated as well as of the organizational knowledge and the human capital in the competitions of the so called emotional intelligence. Some competences or individual capacities and collective, intensive in affection that should be developed in the organizations as well as in the social context are identified.
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