2011, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2011; 32 (5)
Transference and transition. From adolescent medicine to adult medicine
Perea-Martínez A, López-Navarrete GE, Carbajal-Rodríguez L, Rodríguez-Herrera R, Zarco-Román J, Loredo-Abdalá A, Greenawalt-S S
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 302-308
PDF size: 157.36 Kb.
Epidemiologic transition of the last two decades has shown substantial changes in the features and course of diseases world-wide. Thence the need for pediatricians to delve on the management of diseases and complications formerly occurring only in adults. On the other hand physicians caring for adults are now facing diseases which were formerly fatal at relatively early ages and are currently seen in much older individuals.
For this reason it has become mandatory to develop policies to encourage children, adolescents and their family to observe the continuity of their health care based on the knowledge and understanding of their disease and its risk factors. This will enhance confidence and a close relationship between a patient and his(her) physician in order to attain a sound adherence to treatment and to preclude complications thus achieving a favorable prognosis and excellent well-being.
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