2011, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2011; 32 (5)
History of phenylketonuria
Vela-Amieva M, Ibarra-González I, Belmont-Martínez L, Fernández-Lainez C, Guillén-López S, Monroy-Santoyo S, Hernández-Montiel A
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 281-286
PDF size: 152.48 Kb.
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an innborn error in phenylalanine metabolism. It was first described by Asbjörn Fölling in 1934 in Norway. PKU has been the paradigm of inherited metabolic disorders. It also allowed the proposition for the first biochemical explanation of mental retardation. This prompted the widespread search of this condition in neonates through newborn screening. Unlike developed countries, in Mexico mental retardation is still caused by PKU; therefore it is important to know the history of the problem, the PKU experience in Mexico and future perspectives.
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