2011, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2011; 25 (2)
Organizational communication and conflict prevention in organizations. An approach related to health care institutions
Martínez-Rodríguez E, García-Martínez LL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 115-122
PDF size: 136.09 Kb.
The communication process has plunged the likelihood of a conflict, and if not handled properly it can cause highly detrimental results for organizations. In most cases, poor communication is generated, because they are not considering the many variables that often influence the process, and therefore in the interpretation of the information, that being a purely subjective process and requires consideration study of human nature. In all cases the type and size of the conflict will be associated with the level of involvement you feel the individual’s interests. Health facilities are not exempt from this problem, so it is necessary to study how communication occurs in organizations, the origin and nature of conflict as well as tools that facilitate better interaction in the process of communication and coexistence.
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