2011, Number 1
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2011; 25 (1)
Self esteem and self concept in women with infertility
Carreño-Meléndez J, Henales-Almaraz MC, Sánchez-Bravo C
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 29-38
PDF size: 142.66 Kb.
This work comes from several studies with sterile women, in which there is an association between an increase in the number of symptoms and a decrease in self-esteem and self-concept. Both theoretical constructs refer to the ability to value oneself. The first one is the feeling of value that a person assigns and recognizes from its own history. The second one is the reflection of own perceptions and how people look at her. Self-concept can be understood as a self-esteem substructure composed of different elements narrowly related. Elements of the substructure of self-concept are affections expressed in their most external, instrumental and superficial portion. As fertility treatments extend and fail, other substructures seem to be invaded until the self-concept border is overtaken reaching self-esteem. Increasing self-esteem and self-concept are not the objectives of psychotherapy, but it is to provide elements to allow a person to function with a reasonable valuation, where internal and external realities provide a healthy way of adaptation in their daily world.
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