2011, Number 1
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2011; 25 (1)
Psychological status in women with infection of human papiloma virus
Meza-Rodríguez MP, Mancilla-Ramírez J, FrMorales-Carmona F, Sánchez-Bravo C, Pimentel-Nieto D, Carreño-Meléndez J
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 17-22
PDF size: 129.96 Kb.
Introduction: The human papilloma virus (HPV) has acquired a peculiar importance, for its high incidence and relation with cervical cancer, which demands an integral study of the phenomenon, that includes not only the physical area but also the psychological area which is affected as well, allowing the possibility of developing knowledge about the emotional consequences secondary to the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Objective: To know of the coping styles, depression and anxiety features, used by the women with the infection of human papilloma virus (HPV), have an influence over the adaption to the illness.
Methods: Coping styles, anxiety, depression and psychological discomfort were evaluated in 70 women with diagnosis of the infection of HPV. The sample was divided in two groups, one was conformed by women with psychological discomfort and the other one without it. Pearson correlation test and frequencies tables were used.
Results: The total sample used mainly the positive reevaluation style (37.1%). In the group of women with discomfort 84.6% showed up anxiety features, 80.8% anxiety state, 88.5% depression.
Conclusions: The coping styles focused on solving the problem mobilize personality resources at the service of the individual.
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