2011, Number 4
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Salud Mental 2011; 34 (4)
Revisión sistemática sobre tratamiento de adicciones en México
Rojas E, Real T, García-Silberman S, Medina-Mora ME
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 351-365
PDF size: 148.36 Kb.
The consumption of substances with addictive potential is a relevant health problem. In Mexico, the abuse is spreading and the use of services is unfrequent. To extend the offer and accessibility to treatment means to increase the coverage and to guarantee that efficient and effective models are used to treat the patients. The aim of the paper was to learn what has been investigated in this respect; a systematic review of the studies was undertaken to evaluate the treatment research through clinical trials.
Methods: A review of the published literature from 1980 to 2010 in databases and specialized documentation centers was undertaken. Reports of clinical trials to evaluate interventions for the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs were included. The criteria proposed by CONSORT were used as indicators.
Results: Two hundred and twenty publications were located on treatment in Mexico, of which only 26 (11.8 %) corresponded to clinical trials to evaluate the impact of different interventions.
The most used type of treatment was the cognitive-behavioral brief one, followed by its combination with therapy of replacement, pharmacological therapy and individual psychotherapy or group therapy. Trials also included evaluation of motivational brief therapy, the program «La familia enseñante» (teaching family) and psychotherapy, as well as the therapy centered on solutions.
Discussion: Most of the clinical trials localized do not comply with the criteria or do it partially. Additionally they have short scopes due to the limited size of the samples. The results reveal that the reports published of investigations are very scanty to evaluate programs of treatment. There is a need to implement programs of treatment directed to specific populations and to the use of different types of drugs, and to evaluate the interventions.
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