2011, Number 2
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2011; 3 (2)
Evaluación preoperatoria del síndrome de Goldenhar para rehabilitación bucal bajo anestesia general. Reporte de un caso
Moreno MAI, Mendoza GTA, Cárdenas MA, Hernández SHM, Rodríguez CC, Ávila RL
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 81-87
PDF size: 161.03 Kb.
The preoperative evaluation of Goldenhar syndrome is undeniably very important so we know, history clinic; this requires a multidisciplinary coordination, because they present a variety affections anatomophysiological.
Case: The Dental Specialty Center of IMIEM is reported a case of Goldenhar, syndrome considered a entity congenital polymalformative in feminine 11 years of age with features suggestive of this entity associated with defects in first and second pharyngeal arches, are accompanied vertebral and ophthalmology anomalies between other anatomical and physiological.
Objective: To perform an evaluation of each patient with this syndrome to improve the prognosis for life and health by reducing the risk of morbidity and mortality.
Conclusions: The preoperative evaluation has to finality anticipated criteria anesthetic and surgical management, assess criteria, expected complications and the risk of morbimortality know.
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