2011, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2011; 79 (07)
Transmural rectal endometriosis as a cause of chronic constipation. A case report and literature review
Hernández MPM, Barrón VR, Rivas LE, Godínez GMA, Pérez GM, López PS
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 441-446
PDF size: 357.36 Kb.
The incidence of intestinal endometriosis is reported between 5.3 and 12% of cases and of these, between 70 and 93% are located in the rectum and sigmoid. We report the case of a 32-year-old with constipation and bloating and cramping pain during the last 2 years. The pain increased in frequency during the past 6 months. From the data obtained from physical examination and imaging studies may be suspected pelvic endometriosis with infiltration of anterior rectal wall. Resection of the low anterior rectum with colo-rectal anastomosis was performed, with adequate surgical outcome and resolution of symptoms. In patients of childbearing age with abdominal or pelvic pain, constipation of recent onset or occlusive bowel, which may or may not be related to the menstrual cycle should be considered transmural infiltration by endometrial tissue.
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