2008, Number 3
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2008; 13 (3)
Effect of an educational program on podal mycosis remission in a group of diabetic patients
Rosas BJV, Calva MJJ, Rojas TBO, Bonifaz A, Araiza SJ
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 104-115
PDF size: 230.29 Kb.
Objective. To demonstrate that one educational practice course-program increased the healing rate for the onychomycosis of the diabetic’s foot, compared with control group. Both groups received specific therapy for the onychomycosis for three months.
Material and methods: It was a comparative, blinded randomized clinical trial study. It was performed at HR 1° de Octubre and the Clínica Gustavo A. Madero from the ISSSTE. Onycomicosis diagnosis was made by direct saw with KOH 10% and culture. Patients were divided in two groups of 22 each one, both of them received itraconazole 200 mg daily for three months. The experimental group received a practice-course-program about foot’s care. They were followed-up for six months.
Results: There were included 44 patients. At the end of educational program, four patients of 21 (19%) of the experimental group obtained clinical cure, versus 0/21 in the control group (p = 0.053). Six months after clinical remission there were in 6/21 (29%)
vs 9/21 (43%) respectively (p = 0.328). Four patients had “yellowish palms” due to itraconazole ingest.
Conclusions: There were no significant difference for both groups with tendency to experimental group.
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