2009, Number 4
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2009; 14 (4)
Clinical aptitude of familial medicine residents in the treatment of hypertensive patients. Scopes of a participative strategy
Pineda CFJ, Pavía CE, Mendoza CJ, Contreras AE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 155-160
PDF size: 235.23 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the scope of an educational participative strategy in the clinical aptitude for the attention of hypertense patients in residents of family medicine at Yucatan, Mexico.
Participants and method: Study of intervention in twenty residents of the second year of family medicine. It was constructed, validated, gave reliability and applied an instrument of measurement that explores six indicators of clinical aptitude in the attention of the arterial hypertension, seven clinical cases were reviewed, special guides of discussion were elaborated and delivered. The activity in classroom involved discussion of small groups for reflection and analysis of the cases.
Results: At the conclusion of the participative strategy, they advanced from an intermediate aptitude to a refined aptitude. The trend of the change and the scopes in the studied indicators were significant.
Conclusions: We have a valid and reliable instrument to value the clinical aptitude. The advances in the clinical aptitude show the scopes of the educational participative strategy, and strengthen the expectations of a better resident of family medicine decisions making for the resolution of the clinical problems, and the consistent improvement in the clinical attention of the hypertense patients. It is suggested to establish more educational participative strategies for a deeper development in the formation of medical specialists.
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