2009, Number 3
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Acta Cient Estud 2009; 7 (3)
Menarche age and its relationship with the social stratum in five venezuelan states
Vera Y, Hidalgo G, Gollo O, Nakal S, Sánchez W, Vásquez E, Sanz R
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 130-135
PDF size: 176.13 Kb.
Menarche is the main event in the female puberty as a marker of the transition between childhood and adulthood. This study try to establish the menarche age associated to the social stratum in a sample of 2,776 girls of 7 to 19 years-old from states Vargas, Carabobo, Distrito Capital, Aragua y Miranda. Menarche age was determinated by the method
status quo and the memory method (referred age). Descriptive statistic was done and the differences were analizad with the ANOVA one way test. A secular decrease in the menarche age was observed (12.17 y-old) in these girls, compared to first national study of human growth and development-ENDCDH (12.65 y-old). As well, resides the secular decrease of the age beginning of menarche by social stratum we were compared with their homologues of the ENCDH. The mean age of menarche reached for the class II+III was 11.89 y-old, for IV 12.17 y-old and 12.34 y-old for V. These mean differences were statistically significant (p‹0.05) when compared with the II+III class of better social conditions with the classess IV and V of more vulnerable social conditions. These differences allow to deduce a gradient that reflects the relationship between menarche age and the particular life conditions in which each social group of the population is developing, showing improvements in life conditions in the studied population.
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