2011, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2011; 147 (3)
Teaching performance assessment in Public Health employing three different strategies
Martínez-González A, Moreno-Altamirano L, Ponce-Rosas ER, Martínez-Franco AI, Urrutia-Aguilar ME
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 234-243
PDF size: 118.06 Kb.
Introduction: The educational system depends upon the quality and performance of their faculty and should therefore be process of continuous improvement.
Objective: To assess the teaching performance of the Public Health professors, at the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM through three strategies.
Methods: Justification study. The evaluation was conducted under a mediational model through three strategies: students’ opinion assessment, self-assessment and students’ academic achievement. We applied descriptive statistics, Student t test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation.
Results: Twenty professors were evaluated from the Public Health department, representing 57% of all them who teach the subject. The professor’s performance was highly valued self-assessment compared with assessment of student opinion, was confirmed by statistical analysis the difference was significant. The difference amongst the three evaluation strategies became more evident between self-assessment and the scores obtained by students in their academic achievement.
Conclusions: The integration of these three strategies offers a more complete view of the teacher’s performance quality. Academic achievement appears to be a more objective strategy for teaching performance assessment than students’ opinion and self-assessment.
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