2011, Number 1
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2011; 12 (1)
Salud mental y bienestar desde el punto de vista de docentes universitarios
Lugo MP, Torres LTM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 71.82 Kb.
This research has been developed in the academic scene at a Venezuelan university (UNEG). Its purpose is to identify the perception of subjective well-being in the work of university teachers, which leads to describe the implications of that perception of mental health wellness and work in university teaching. We started design methodology qualitative case study, involving more senior teachers and regular ladder in the categories from assistant, added, partner and owner, the sample was purposive 20 teachers. Was used in-depth interviews and data analysis, which was conducted through thematic analysis with the support of Atlas Ti software. Concluded on the concept of coexisting mental health of positive elements such as a positive trend of welfare in addition to feeling good. On the other hand included negative views such as emotional disturbances and imbalance. Therefore the vision of being university teachers from presenting a view unambiguous.
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Sanchéz de Gallardo, M. y L. Maldonado-Ortíz, Op. cit.
Torres T. y J. Munguía, Op. cit.
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Berenzón, S. y J. Mora, Op. cit.