2010, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2010; 18 (3)
Posture of de nurse before its professional task
Reséndiz-Dáttoly C, Jiménez-Vázquez MM
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 137-144
PDF size: 49.47 Kb.
Introduction: posture means to assume a solid point of view, developed through a process of reflection and self-questioning to face knowlegde and the daily practice. The posture of a nurse constitutes a constructed personal point of view through the critic, that lead the initiatives of action, which acquire consistency, sense and intentions.
Objective: to identify the position of the nurse before its professional task.
Methodology: comparative cross-sectional study made in infirmary personnel in a State Delegation of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. A sampling by quotas included 125 nurses with category nursing assistant, nursing and nursing officer. A measuring instrument was applied to them comparing their category, academic level, antiquity and medical care unit. The instrument consisted of 94 statements; 47 explored the dominant approach of the practice of nursing and 47 the self-critical and reflective approach. The statements were characterized mutually in excluding duplas to each other that investigated the four basic functions of the nursing task; welfare, administrative, investigation and teaching. The posture was evaluated through three indicators; indiscriminate agreement, more popular approach and consequence. The internal consistency of the instrument was determined through two methods; Kuder-Richardson test and the method of semipartition using the test of Mann Whitney. For the analysis of results nonparametric statistical analysis was used.
Results: the trustworthiness of the instrument was of 0.94. The results obtained to the inner and between each one of the groups were favorable for the absence of a position of the nurse before their task.
Conclusions: the results found in this study take us to think that it is probable that a predominante routine work with a very little analytical, critical and self-critical exercise is made.
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