2011, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2011; 10 (1)
Nursing care process applied to an agent who has care brain vascular event, using the general theory of Elizabeth Dorothea Orem
Navarrete CL, Santiago GS
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 46-52
PDF size: 356.42 Kb.
This case study is conducted in the Regional Hospital Adolfo López Mateos, shows how the SAP is applied according to a methodology nurse, which decided to use The General Theory of Self-Care E. Dorothea Orem mature to an adult patient with a medical diagnosis (hematoma in posterior fossa) is described according to the same nursing assessment helped us to structure and prioritize requirements of a patient with cerebro-vascular problems. Likewise, there are established theories underlying the right, in the nursing discipline with these theories to support its objectives, namely the care bio-psycho-socio-cultural human being. Looking at it from a realistic perspective is a huge commitment, in which only based on appropriate methods and theories we can come to meet human needs for our work emphasizing the role nurses to give recognition. We found that this theory did not include psychological aspects such as emotional and sentimental, but with the use of PNC (Process Nursing Care), the NANDA diagnostic taxonomy (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association), NIC (Nursing Interventions Classification) and NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification) could establish nursing diagnoses that cover them. This is a simple example application of the theory, where we realized that it did not cover the needs of human beings in the bio-psycho-socio-cultural, yet the importance of their use is that we can guide nursing practice, paths and options open to us to carry it out systematically.
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