2011, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2011; 10 (1)
Work stress and human resources staff in nursing from a Psychiatric Unit in Mexico City, D.F.
Basset MI, Estévez RR, Leal GML, Granados G, López VJT
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 27-31
PDF size: 233.83 Kb.
Introduction: In the scope of the specific health and the personnel of Infirmary, he is susceptible to develop stress, to be within a labor atmosphere considered like emotionally toxic and submissive situations of interaction with patients and relatives who cause the development of diverse levels of stress, as much of organizational character as own of the profession; present work makes reference to labor and personal stress of the human resources of Infirmary that toils in institutions of psychiatry in Mexico.
Objective: To make a revision about the labor and personal stress of the Infirmary personnel that toils in institutions of psychiatry in Mexico.
Methodology: A documentary revision was made in existing literature to know the existence labor and personal stress that can suffer the human resources of Infirmary that toils in institutions of pychiatry in Mexico.
Conclusions: The Infirmary personnel is susceptible to develop stress, to be within a considered labor atmosphere like emotionally toxic since he is put under situations of interaction with patients and relatives who cause the development of diverse levels of stress, the psychiatry hospitals are not other people’s to this, although the scene is different, also exists the tendency to that this one personal present stress since they are exposed to multiple aggressions.
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