2010, Number 4
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2010; 53 (4)
Metabolic syndrome in a 6 to 16 years old population at basic level of attention
Bautista-Samperio L, Saldaña CMM, Hernández-Pérez JC
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 3-8
PDF size: 224.83 Kb.
Introduction: The metabolic syndrome (SM), implies the association of factors of risk, obesity, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, whose physiopathological factor (resistance to the insulin and atherogenic effect), causes a high cardiovascular risk. Its prevalence in children between 6 to 14 years, is of 18,6% and 30% in Spain and the United States respectively; Mexico in the population between 5 to 11 years reports obesity in 26% without integrating this syndrome.
Objective: To determine the frequency of the SM in population of 6 to 16 years of age, taken care of in familiar medicine.
Material and methods: Cross-sectional study, in 150 individuals of the UMF 94 of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), both sexes, between 6 and 16 years of age, healthy, with sampling by 6 convenience and consent apparently informed. Applying clinical history with deliberate search of risk factors, clinical elements (arterial tension, index of corporal mass, acne and acantosis) and chemicals (glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides) in peripheral blood. Comparing values with tables of the Centers Disease Control (CDC) and National High Blood Pressure Education Program in Children and Adolescents. Analysis with descriptive statistic and coefficient of correlation of Tau and Phi.
Results: Of 150 participants, they reported familiar antecedent 127 (85%), obesity 48 (32%), arterial tension elevated 20 (30%), acantosis 28 (19%) and acne 5 (7%), hipertrigliceridemia 93 (62%) and hipercolesterolemia 35 (23%). SM in 50 (33%) with significant influence of sex and presence ofobesity was integrated.
Conclusions: The high frequency of the SM, with significant influence of sex and obesity in children population apparently heals, fortifies its deliberate search by health professionals.
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