2011, Number 1
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2011; 56 (1)
The application of radiation technology in tissue banks
Melchor GJM, Malagón HHO
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 25-30
PDF size: 55.90 Kb.
Objective: To undertake a bibliographic revision to show the importance of using radiation in surgery, and its advantages as compared with other known methods of sterilization as well as the advantages found in its clinical use.
Introduction: In all countries, the use of medical materials, medicine and sterilized tissues with gamma rays is a common practice. For quite sometime there has been an increase in the use and type of radiations in these kinds of supplies. The maximum and minimum doses in each product have been established. Regardless of the sterilization procedure, the final products must clearly cover the national norms of security, quality and efficiency that justify and guarantee their use in compliance with their medical indications.
Methodology: A bibliographic revision was done to show the benefits of gamma radiation in medicines, raw materials such as natural or synthetic tissues. The benefits of radiation in tissue banks and their advantage as sterilization methods are shown.
Conclusions: Human needs to cover wounds and injuries have promoted the diversification of surgical techniques, and that radiation technology advances in benefit of their clinical application. With proven knowledge of the exact dosage needed to sterilize, the chemical changes and physical properties induced by the radiation already documented in bank tissue products for their chirurgic use, it is possible to reduce health care costs in developing countries. We also need to bear in mind the impact of this technology in order to optimize its use.
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