2007, Number 1
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Rev Mex Urol 2007; 67 (1)
Hiperactividad pélvica: diagnóstico y tratamiento en el Hospital Central Militar
Padrón LS, Campos-Contreras JL, Tavera R G, Torres SJJ, Ricardez EAA, Castro MM, López SJC, Abortes VEA, Campos SJG, Pacheco BD, Ramírez PEA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 19-34
PDF size: 797.11 Kb.
Background. Along a century the functional behavior of the lower urinary tract has been studied. Some aspects of the mechanism of the urination and of its form to be altered exist that are without resolving. The etiology of the chronic pelvic pain syndrome stranger remains and the clinical finds are inespecific. The majority of the patients are not diagnosed neither treated in adequate form.
Objective. Diagnosing and treated the patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
Results. 45 patients were treated, 20 they presented improvement with general measures, analgesic- anti-inflammatory, alpha blocker and physical therapy, 25 patients did not present improvement and botulinum toxin combined with physic therapy was applied.
Conclusion. Hyperactive pelvic floor syndrome is related to aspects of behavior (inadequate micturition) or pelvic upper-exercises, it occurs more commonly in men of average age and is characterized for perineal o genital pain and lower urinary tract symptoms. The treatment should consist of physical therapy, to alleviate the symptoms and therapy of psico-sexual conduct. Important improvement is observed when botulinum toxin is applied in the urethral sphincter.
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